I've managed to get inline table editing working. However I had an issue with key names. If I capitalised or mixed cased them then editing didn't work. I couldn't find anything about key name rules anyone have a hunch or know why?
// step_no - works
<template v-slot:item.step_no="{ item }">
<v-text-field v-model="editedItem.step_no" :hide-details="true" dense single-line :autofocus="true" v-if="item.id === editedItem.id"></v-text-field>
<span v-else>{{item.step_no}}</span>
// stepNo - doesn't work
<template v-slot:item.stepNo="{ item }">
<v-text-field v-model="editedItem.stepNo" :hide-details="true" dense single-line :autofocus="true" v-if="item.id === editedItem.id"></v-text-field>
<span v-else>{{item.stepNo}}</span>