Debugging http in node issues

Stick with the IP while you are testing.
Have you got another router you could temporarily use? It wouldn't matter if it didn't connect to the internet, you just need a basic router.

OK. 2 things:

  1. The problem appears to be restricted to mDNS
  2. (SMH) When I edited the WebSend command, I introduced http:// (because my eye skipped over to the end of the line in the tasmota commands doc which reads " WebSend [] /fancy/data.php?log=1234 sends" on one line. I.e. The bad command was entered as WebSend [] /desklighton

Once I fixed that to read WebSend [] /desklighton, using the static DHCP address worked.

I discovered this because on the tasmota discord, I decided I should do a sanity check and asked a second pair of eyes to ensure my WebSend command was right.

I still think that something in unifios changed to cause WebSend [raspberrypi.local:1880] /desklighton to stop working.

So I feel like a heel, obviously.

It's interesting to note that the tasmota developer claims tasmota doesn't support mDNS, so my next thought it: why did using raspberrypi.local ever work? Because it was definitely working for a loooong time. I didn't think that the sending device making the webhook call (or receiving device for that matter) had anything to do with the resolution of an mDNS domain. So what does it mean for a device to claim it doesn't support mDNS?

And if that's the case (the sending device plays a role in the resolution of an mDNS domain address), perhaps there's nothing technically wrong with the unifios update?

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