Dynamically Change CSS for Dashboard v2 Template Node

I feel like this is a dumb question (like I'm missing something obvious) but is there an easy way to change/swap the CSS being used for a template node in Dashboard v2?

Browser likes you if you don't change the css but apply, or remove css rules to elements where needed. There are many ways to do it, to choose the best it is reasonable to know what is the actual change you do need to perform.

@hotNipi your response helped me to see my tunnel vision... I was fixated on trying to make it work the same way I had it working in Dashboard v1 templates... because you could pass all of the code into to v1 template at once and therefore have separate "configs" that would load in the template when a flow started.

But, after your response I shifted tactics and just made some additional classes that could be toggled in my v2 template.
