Editor Text Size

If you have a recent install you settings.js should have a section at the bottom like

        codeEditor: {
            /** Select the text editor component used by the editor.
             * Defaults to "ace", but can be set to "ace" or "monaco"
            lib: "ace",
            options: {
                /** The follow options only apply if the editor is set to "monaco"
                 * theme - must match the file name of a theme in
                 * packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/src/vendor/monaco/dist/theme
                 * e.g. "tomorrow-night", "upstream-sunburst", "github", "my-theme"
                theme: "vs",
                /** other overrides can be set e.g. fontSize, fontFamily, fontLigatures etc.
                 * for the full list, see https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/api/interfaces/monaco.editor.istandaloneeditorconstructionoptions.ht>
                //fontSize: 14,
                //fontFamily: "Cascadia Code, Fira Code, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace",
                //fontLigatures: true,

just make sure you switch ace to monaco to enable that editor then edit (remove //) from the fontSize option