Elements won`t hide/show by class name: oneditprepare

So i started building some nodes after a couple of months, and with my small experience with it, I already came on an error.
I have some elements in the node config (a couple of dropboxes/ and textboxes) that should show hide, based on what will be selected from the Function dropbox node-input-functype

So inside oneditprepare function, I created an if-else logic what should be shown and what shouldn't

  oneditprepare: function() {

            var ace = this;
            this.editor = RED.editor.createEditor({})
            $("#node-input-functype").on('change', function(){
                if ($("#node-input-functype").val() == "reference" ){


                if ($("#node-input-functype").val() == "setting" ){

               if ($("#node-input-functype").val() == "set" ){

               if ($("#node-input-functype").val() == "get" ){}

            } )
            $("#node-input-referenceIO").change(function() {
                if ($("#node-input-referenceIO").val() == "OUTPUT" ){
               else if ($("#node-input-referenceIO").val() == "INPUT" ){


There are also 3 more options, but I am not trying to bombard you with the code on this topic...

Now when I try to display other elements via the debug console, it Is successful, all of the elements are shown/hidden by the class name.
But when I try to change the value of the #node-input-functype dropbox, nothing happens...

Could someone help me? so far I copied this from the SQLite node, and I had the same problems on another node, but it just started working surprisingly...

firstly, delete this line.

... it seems to serve no purpose and potentially collides with the editor namespace. Also, in future, ACE may not even be the editor.

Next, using browser dev tools (F12) console, what do you see if you enter $("#node-input-functype") into the console? Do you get any elements?

Other tips...
Add the keyword debugger at the top of oneditprepare function...

oneditprepare: function() {

refresh your browser
open your devtools (F12)
open the UI - the debugger should stop on the keyword debugger.

Now you can put breakpoints around your code & step the statements & check that things are occuring as they should.

When i use
$("#node-input-functype").val() inside the console, I get back the string that is selected from the dropdown.

Thanks for the debugger method , learned something new today :smile:

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