End time before start time

I noticed that NodeRed (at Home Assistant) cannot handle situations where the end time (sunrise) is before the start time (08:00).
I have this action, that turns the light on at 08:00 in the morning (at the weekend) and it should turn off when the sun rises. Except that this time year sunrise is already earlier than 08:00 here in (southern part ) Finland.
The result is that the light turns on at some "random" point (last night it was 00:22) and doesn't turn off.

        "id": "c8f0286fdafd5b58",
        "type": "bigtimer",
        "z": "891bddf014e1f6cc",
        "outtopic": "zigbee2mqtt/Kukkavalo/set",
        "outpayload1": "{\"state\":\"ON\"}",
        "outpayload2": "{\"state\":\"OFF\"}",
        "name": "Kukkavalo vkl",
        "comment": "Valo päälle viikonloppuna",
        "lat": "60.0",
        "lon": "25.0",
        "starttime": "1439",
        "endtime": "1320",
        "starttime2": "480",
        "endtime2": "5003",
        "startoff": "0",
        "endoff": "0",
        "startoff2": 0,
        "endoff2": "5",
        "offs": 0,
        "outtext1": "",
        "outtext2": "",
        "timeout": "60",
        "sun": true,
        "mon": false,
        "tue": false,
        "wed": false,
        "thu": false,
        "fri": false,
        "sat": true,
        "jan": true,
        "feb": true,
        "mar": false,
        "apr": false,
        "may": false,
        "jun": false,
        "jul": false,
        "aug": false,
        "sep": false,
        "oct": false,
        "nov": true,
        "dec": true,
        "day1": 0,
        "month1": 0,
        "day2": 0,
        "month2": 0,
        "day3": 0,
        "month3": 0,
        "day4": 0,
        "month4": 0,
        "day5": 0,
        "month5": 0,
        "day6": 0,
        "month6": 0,
        "day7": "",
        "month7": "",
        "day8": "",
        "month8": "",
        "day9": "",
        "month9": "",
        "day10": "",
        "month10": "",
        "day11": "",
        "month11": "",
        "day12": "",
        "month12": "",
        "d1": "",
        "w1": "",
        "d2": 0,
        "w2": 0,
        "d3": 0,
        "w3": 0,
        "d4": 0,
        "w4": 0,
        "d5": 0,
        "w5": 0,
        "d6": 0,
        "w6": 0,
        "xday1": "",
        "xmonth1": "",
        "xday2": 0,
        "xmonth2": 0,
        "xday3": 0,
        "xmonth3": 0,
        "xday4": 0,
        "xmonth4": 0,
        "xday5": 0,
        "xmonth5": 0,
        "xday6": 0,
        "xmonth6": 0,
        "xday7": "",
        "xmonth7": "",
        "xday8": "",
        "xmonth8": "",
        "xday9": "",
        "xmonth9": "",
        "xday10": "",
        "xmonth10": "",
        "xday11": "",
        "xmonth11": "",
        "xday12": "",
        "xmonth12": "",
        "xd1": 0,
        "xw1": 0,
        "xd2": 0,
        "xw2": 0,
        "xd3": 0,
        "xw3": 0,
        "xd4": 0,
        "xw4": 0,
        "xd5": 0,
        "xw5": 0,
        "xd6": 0,
        "xw6": 0,
        "suspend": false,
        "random": false,
        "randon1": false,
        "randoff1": false,
        "randon2": false,
        "randoff2": false,
        "repeat": true,
        "atstart": true,
        "odd": false,
        "even": false,
        "x": 400,
        "y": 1660,
        "wires": [

Many of the nodes that offer actions based on solar activity struggle to do the right thing when far north or far south at certain times of the year.

I spent far too much time figuring this out when I developed node-red-contrib-cron-plus. You may want to give that node a try instead. For example, in cron-plus, each message has additional info including the solar state. So, for example, you could use a switch node to check to see the solar phase is "day" and throw away that 8am message.

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