Tengo problemas para descargar librerías en node red, me parece este error.
2022-02-15T05:20:14.400Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --no-fund --save --save-prefix=~ --production node-red-contrib-buffer-parser@3.2.2
2022-02-15T05:20:21.399Z [err] npm
2022-02-15T05:20:21.403Z [err]
2022-02-15T05:20:21.404Z [err] WARN
2022-02-15T05:20:21.404Z [err] npm npm does not support Node.js v10.24.0
2022-02-15T05:20:21.407Z [err] npm
2022-02-15T05:20:21.407Z [err] WARN
2022-02-15T05:20:21.408Z [err] npm You should probably upgrade to a newer version of node as we
2022-02-15T05:20:21.408Z [err] npm
2022-02-15T05:20:21.408Z [err] WARN
2022-02-15T05:20:21.409Z [err] npm can't make any promises that npm will work with this version.
2022-02-15T05:20:21.410Z [err] npm
2022-02-15T05:20:21.410Z [err] WARN
2022-02-15T05:20:21.411Z [err] npm Supported releases of Node.js are the latest release of 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.
2022-02-15T05:20:21.411Z [err] npm
2022-02-15T05:20:21.412Z [err] WARN npm
2022-02-15T05:20:21.412Z [err] You can find the latest version at https://nodejs.org/
You have somehow ended up with a version of npm that is out of step with node.js
You have a version of node.js that is no longer supported.
As Colin has indicated, if you tell us how you installed Node-RED and on what OS, someone will walk you through the update process.
If you are using uibuilder as you indicate. v4.1.4 of uibuilder is the current version and requires a minimum node.js version of v12.x, current versions of node-red have the same requirement.
Not familiar with that so I may be of limited help.
However, if asked to guess, I would guess that Armbian has a version of Node.js in its standard libraries and that maybe they didn't include npm (a problem with old versions of Rasbian) and so things are out of step.
You still haven't said how you installed Node-RED though - that will make a difference to what we tell you to do next - or was that also pre-installed? What version of Node-RED is it?