Error on Remote connection to Raspberry PI

Hello everybody
I am trying to get my Solar PV to chat with my PI
On the Modbus node I in error put 502 as the port and now when I look in Putty the Node Red will not run, AFter some googling I think I have discovered that the permissions wil not allow access to any port below 1024, so is there a text file within the PI I can acess to change the 502 to a higher port number to get it to run again?
28 Jun 15:38:25 - Error: listen EACCES: permission denied


On what machine are you running Node-Red and how did you install the program? (Node-Red)

If that is crashing node-red then that is a bug in the modbus node, nothing you do there should crash node-red. To fix it in your flow run node red using
node-red --safe
which will start the editor without starting the flows. Then you can correct the port and when you deploy it will start the flows.

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Thank you Colin
That worked.

Excellent. Now ideally you should go to the github repository for the node (which should be linked from and submit an issue against the node, saying that it crashes node red if a low port number entered.

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Thank you Colin. I have just done that.

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