Hello everyone . I need to use mosquitto mqtt over websockets. I'm using a raspberry pi as a host server for several tools such as mosquitto broker,node red, influx db, and grafana as a data logging system. I'm trying to use grafana to control a sonoff switch through mqtt. I found this plugin: GitHub - geeks-r-us/mqtt-panel: Simple Grafana panel that allows to communicate with a mqtt server
that allows grafana to communicate with an mqtt server. I have installed the plugin but i can't connect it to the broker! In the plugin's GitHub page the author have mentioned a limitation says " Due to the MQTT client runs in the browser it can only establish mqtt connection over websockets and can only connect to servers reachable by your browser."
could Nde-Red be used to establish a connection between mosquitto mqtt broker and a client over websockets ?!
In that screenshot you have restarted the mosquitto service and then started another instance of mosquitto in the terminal. That is why it says the address is in use (by the mosquitto service you just restarted). Instead open two terminals. in one run sudo tail -f /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
and leave it running. In the other restart the service sudo systemctl restart mosquitto
That is a better way to restart it than using the obsolete init.d command. You should see the log of the restart in the first terminal.
It seems that this is the problem, but in the opposite way. When I try from inside the settings page it works fine, but when I try from outside it doesn't work.