Extract different values from a multiline string

Yes, good point.

Feel free to PR to here also - https://nodered.org/docs/user-guide/nodes

Sorry. Maybe it's because of the language difference but I have no idea what PR means in this! If I have to guess it's public relations but that wouldn't make sense or...
Could you explain this PR to me?

apologies = PR = Pull Request . Is the way people can contribute to the code (or documentation) directly. By taking the existing code/docs - making changes - and raising a pull request, which we can then look at.

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If it helps, the "pull" part always confused me as well. I always think of it as a "push" rather than a pull.

But simply put, if you have a contribution that you want to make to someone's Git repository, you do the following:

  1. "Clone" the current version of the repository.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. "Commit" your changes (to your clone)
  4. Create a "Pull Request" in the original repository against your amended clone.

The owner of the original then reviews your changes and, if they accept them, merges them into the original.

A repository is a store of information managed by Git. Git is simply the tool that manages the data behind the scenes. GitHub is a public database of Git repositories and makes it really easy to manage the information.