Eztimer programming errors, timer won't start

Hmm, that might be the start of your issue I'm afraid. The library is generated automatically by and large. Just because a package exists doesn't mean that it works or that it works well.

Clearly there are not many people in this forum using it. The library has a star rating and you could raise an issue on the github repo.

I've seen worse reasons :slight_smile:

Woah there cowboy, steady on. There are a lot of us here who have spent countless hours of our personal time helping others of all abilities and knowledge levels.

But we all have limited time and energy so have to pick and choose what to spend time on. That you wish to expand your knowledge by working with this node is great - but that doesn't mean that we wish to do the same.


You are correct, sometimes frustration does creep in.

Did you take a look at light scheduler as suggested ? You don't have to program anything, just visually select the day/timeframe.

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I have not looked at that node as a primary criteria is it must be done via the UI. My wife has to be able to set the schedule and I had used another node in my first program (I can't recall the node now) that also couldn't use a UI. Needless to say the wife absolutely threw a fit about having to use a programmer and all. The sad part of it is she was absolutely right. Because I couldn't or wouldn't make it a user friendly interface was no reason for her to have to put up with it. So, I'm having to modify the program to make it user friendly.

The last couple of posts in the following thread for Steve's new cron-plus node shows that Lena and Steve are working on this.

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I'm certain he would have had it done by now had he used node-red-contrib-cron-plus.

The built in documentation and the built in importable example shows how to create schedules via a msg input.

This msg could easily be created from a dashboard.

No offense to the author of the ez node intended (I haven't used it) I'm sure it's a perfect fit for many things.

Yes, we just need a good example to use :wink:

Perhaps this could help ?
Various projects can be found on github to create an userinterface.

I was thinking of something that would pass the family-friendly test :slight_smile: However, that is a starting point. I think that Lena was saying she had something that might be wrangled to usability.

I have indeed, though itā€™s more like a sketch on paper I still have to turn into an interface. From there on itā€™s usually a day or two before Iā€™ve something working. Wonā€™t be today that I can show a rough example; working on food experiments in the kitchen rather than node-red experiments today.

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No need. One of the functions of the node is "describe". You can send a control message to cron-plus node and get back a human readable description. It's all there in the built in help and importable example flow.

I did a sample back home where a text input "on change" triggered a control msg to "describe" the expression and fed that back to a ui_text. All fairly simple.

I think what @bakman2 was suggesting was to use something like that for a configurable interface on dashboard level so you wonā€™t have to dive into the flow/node configuration to edit the schedule when cron-plus already allows you to send schedule changes through a command :slight_smile:

This however makes that even better. Amazing node, once again!