I was trying to use the Node-RED editor into the Internal Web Browser of eclipse, everything was going well until I go to "Manage palette" to install a new node, when I get a "Failed to load node catalogue" message,
in the browser's console was painted this
If I try to open that URL https://catalogue.nodered.org/catalogue.json in the same Internal Web Browser I get
the same "Invalid Certificate" error occurs if I try with https://nodered.org/ and
Also I tried it with an external browser(Firefox) and the problem was not present there.
Note: This continues happening if I click 'no" to the "Invalid Certificate" dialog, if I click "yes" the error goes away with the requests to those URLs mentioned.
My environment is:
RedHat Enterprise v8.1 with public internet access.
eclipse cpp-2020-06
Node-RED v0.20.8 running http://locahost:1880/