Failing installing node-mcp23017

I am using MCP23017 but had t do a lot to get it working.

The best way to get it working is that you have to be in the directory node-red is installed on,

My directory is /hom/pi/.node-red

npm install i2c-bus@5.1.0

├─┬ i2c-bus@5.1.0
│ ├── bindings@1.5.0 deduped
│ └── nan@2.14.0 deduped (git+
├── nan@2.14.0 (git+

You can see I also loaded the latest version of nan@2.14.0 to fix some warnings.

Also install ncd-red-comm@1.6.9 because they all link to it.

This installs all the NCD nodes

npm i $(npm search --parseable ncd-red | cut -f 1)

Once all the packages are installed remember to run npm dedupe and npm rebuild

Once that's done you reboot the system so node-red pulls in the local node_modules files and it should show up in the admin console.

I can help if you get stuck.

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