Filter - pass only stable input for some time

Hello, i was not able to define my problem to google, so I am asking here.
I have a sensor which is sending values continuosly (2-5 values every second). Lets say its a temperature sensor and the temperature in the room is still raising.
I need to take only the value of the temperature which is stable, so lets say, the temperature sensor will be sending the same value of temperature for 5 seconds. Then, if the value will be still the same, I need to pass it to another node.
How to achieve it? What node to use? Thanks.

A filter and trigger should get you close.


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Yes, it really works! I think, if i set the trigger to bigger value, like 30 seconds, it should do the job i wanted to make.
I wanted to write code in function node first, to accomplish this task, but this seems to me much easier.
Thanks for help @Steve-Mcl !

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