Hello. I am working on a project where I have a single raspberry PI configured as mqtt broker and I need to monitor/control up to 50 or more remote esp32 devices in a close proximity that will be taking various sensor readings. I have a basic setup already where I can ping each device LED ( I currently have just 3 for testing purpose).
My question is how can I flash the program to individual ESP32 devices? I want to press a button on my node-red interface and initiate a device update.
I have opened arduino example where they update the esp32 remotely using webserver. Since my application is a little bit different I am not too sure how would I do that?
This is the arduino example code for flashing the device using a webserver
So if I understood correctly, I need to create a webserver and store my .bin file there and just call function :
ESPhttpUpdate.update("http://server/file.bin"); //Location of your binary file
I'm using mainly ESP8266 based devices, but some ESP32 are in the pipeline. All use my own code. The devices usually send sensor measurements and internal status info via MQTT to the broker. node-red reads this stuff and does things with it. I built also a communication from node-red to the devices to send commands, either to switch a relay, to reboot, or to fetch new firmware.
I hard-wired the 'fetch firmware via HTTP' into the code. This makes it more resilient against hacking since there is no (easy) way to trick the device with malicious firmware.
Thanks for shining some light.
I am using HTTPUpdate example code - just changed the ID and PSWD of my network and URL of ESPhttpUpdate.
I pass the IP of the raspberry PI , port 80 and then the directory where i hold the binary file which is /var/www/html/uploads/dev1.bin
t_httpUpdate_return ret = ESPhttpUpdate.update("",80, "uploads/dev1.bin");
however, I get this error:
Fixed the problem,, turned out I had to include an additional "/" in my destination path such as: (/uploads/...)
t_httpUpdate_return ret = ESPhttpUpdate.update(client,"",80, "/uploads/dev1.bin");
However, right off the bat I am facing memory problems - I am able to succesfully load small blink sketch over OTA but I get flash memory problems when im trying to upload slightly larger sketches
I Havent yet added the node-red bit. Im currently just working with ESP8266 flashing OTA from my raspberry server. Once I solve my memory problem I will try to integrate it into the node-red flow