FlowFuse: run python script with library dependancies that do not exist


I have an instance in FlowFuse where I need to execute some Python scripts that use libraries like pandas, sklearn, and joblib amongst others.

However, I get the error: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'"
and when I try to pip (or pip3) install pandas, I get a "/bin/bash: line 14 Permission denied" error.

What is the workaround for that?

I appreciate any help you can provide.

Kind Regards

Hi @nsakellion,

It seems like the pandas module is not installed, and when you try to install it, you're getting a "permission denied" error. This usually happens due to a lack of administrative privileges.

Try installing pandas with admin privileges in the terminal first. Once it's installed, you can proceed with other operations from node-red

Also, did you checked this article Calling Python Script from Node-RED, it might provide additional helpful insights.

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