FontAwesome icon with incorrect color

Cheers Dave!!!
Don't read this feedback today :rofl:

Bit more detail. Now at least I know already where the color is coming from...

  1. DrawSvg generates an SVG "symbol" for each FontAwesome icon. Such a symbol has an SVG path which contains the contour of the icon.

  2. Then DrawSvg will re-"use" that symbol at every location where I put it. And there it also gets my custom pink color (style="fill:#ff1493; !important;").

  3. The path in the symbol has no explicit color, but it seems to get his blue color from the dashboard:


  4. And that is the cause: because when I deselect the checkbox, then the icon gets the pink color in the dashboard...

So I need to get rid of those dashboard styles.
But as you can see, the "!important" directive doesn't help ...