The overall shape of the project follows the familiar route:
ESP32 collects sensor data --> passes readings to MQTT broker via a JSON document
The Broker sits on a raspberry pi with all applications running in containers under docker:
MQTT Broker --> Node-Red --> InfluxDB V1.8 --> Grafana
I have everything working for a single reading, but when it comes to a batch of readings, the error reported is that the values are 'undefined'
The MQTT IN Node settings are:
Server: raspberrypi
Action: subscribe to single topic
Topic: some_prefix/boiler
Output: A parsed JSON object
The incoming message is received with the above MQTT In Node. Here's the debug output:
some_prefix/boiler : msg.payload : Object
temp_dhw_flow: 71.6
temp_dhw_return: 46.6
temp_ch_flow: 62.7
temp_ch_return: 51.2
pres_boiler: 1.23
leak_boiler: 407.9
The message is then passed to a function that strips out the prefix:
var t=msg.topic;
t = t.replace('/some_prefix/', '');
t = t.replace('some_prefix/', '');
t = t.replace('/', '-');
return msg;
A debug node connected to the output of this function correctly shows:
boiler : msg.payload : Object <-- (note the prefix has been stripped)
temp_dhw_flow: 71.6
temp_dhw_return: 46.6
temp_ch_flow: 62.7
temp_ch_return: 51.2
pres_boiler: 1.23
leak_boiler: 407.9
The message is then passed to a further function to extract the values prior to sending to the connected Influxdb batch out node:
msg.payload = [
measurement: "boiler",
timestamp: new Date(),
fields: {
tempDHW_Flow: msg.payload.tempDHW_Flow,
tempDHW_Return: msg.payload.tempDHW_Return,
tempCH_Flow: msg.payload.tempCH_Flow,
tempCH_Return: msg.payload.tempCH_Return,
presBoiler: msg.payload.presBoiler,
leakBoiler: msg.payload.leakBoiler
/*sensor: "board 1"*/
return msg;
I have almost exactly the same construct working for a single reading (tempDHW_Flow) but the above yields the following in a debug node connected to this second function (also presented as an error in a Catch All node):
boiler : msg.payload : array[1]
0: object
measurement: "boiler"
timestamp: "2024-02-11T15:25:29.589Z"
fields: object
tempDHW_Flow: undefined
tempDHW_Return: undefined
tempCH_Flow: undefined
tempCH_Return: undefined
presBoiler: undefined
leakBoiler: undefined
tags: object
location: "garage"
Consequently no data is passed to the InfluxDB batch Out Node.
I've spent some time trying to research this problem, without success. I have successfully written to InfluxDB previously using the same Batch out Node, so the problem is almost certainly the failure of the function given the form of the input data.
Suggestions welcome.
Thanks in advance,