[FYI]Using encoding binary didn't give expected result with file write node

I was using the file write node to save a file (Linux system) and because I was feeding it with a buffer payload, I thought that choosing binary as the encoding was the right thing to do.

But it wasn't - the saved file wasn't quite right

I switched to default and everything is fine
No-idea what is going on down in the engine room but thought I'd share to save someone else a few hours :slight_smile:

I think you would need to provide us with some test input data so we can see the situation.

It's an FYI not a cry for help :slight_smile:

Let me rephrase that, I would like to understand why that is necessary. Do you have a short example that fails? If so you should be able to copy the value from the debug panel and paste it here so we can try it.

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