Gauge Node Color fixing

What do you mean "also".. it IS the heart of that particular graphing method.

What I did was change my node-red settings.js ...

    /** When httpAdminRoot is used to move the UI to a different root path, the
     * following property can be used to identify a directory of static content
     * that should be served at http://localhost:1880/.
    httpStatic: '/home/pi/node-red-static/',

Create a subfolder in my node-red-static folder called RGraph and extracted the contents of the downloaded zip file from Get hold of the RGraph software | into it.


It is that location of the RGraph library files which the contents of the provided flow utilizes in the embedded paths... (the /home/pi/node-red-static/ part of the path is already implied by the changes in the settings.js file)


The rest of the template contents just make the graph look the way it is, and adjust based on the msg.payload... (and set the colour of the text in the ui_text node).

That library can make all sorts of interesting looking graphs based on template settings.