ich just created a few flows and I am really new to Node-Red - but I am learning quick
My challenge: Ich have some shelly roller shutter modules which I would like to integrate in the GUI. I already get the status and show on the dashboard which status a shutter has.
But: I would like to get the status from the roller-shutter when it is changed (by any interaction, button whatever) and also display it on the GUI.
How am I able to check periodically the status (I do that by inject-node every second now) without flooding the system every second?
WHat is the best way to realize this scenario? I would prefer if the shelly could push a message to node-red if the status changes. Is there any way to do that - I do not have any mptt-instance inbetween, only ccu3 + node-red -> shelly 2,5
Just a note and an alternative
If you use mqtt you will not be able to use the shelly cloud, as it is one or the other.
Alternatively you can configure the shelly to send http request to node red when they are switched. You could set up a http in node to handle these request and up date your dashboard from there.