Get ui-table data in JSON format

Hi @ataelim, @Henjoe

I prepared a demo flow:

I recognized that the table handler not working well with the table data send as msg.payload so I did a few updates. That should work now. (OMG my own legacy code :rofl:). So please make sure that you get version 0.2.1

I recognized that sorting/moving columns is not working (as expected) any more. They either don't restore or are in a strange place. Have to go into the code of ui-table itself as the columns configs are merged there. But this has to wait unil next year :wink:

I added only basic functions (add rows, update rows, change row width, edit cells, hide and unhide columns) not to overwhelm everybody.

Let me know if how it works for you. Happy new year! :partying_face:

As the flow is to big to post it here please download it from here: