2D/vertical UI-Table in Tabulator format?

Have you tried the examples? Especially example 3-6 are all around ui_control and tabulator commands.

And then the ultimate resource is the tabulator docs! Make sure you selected Version 4.3.

Nearly everything shown there you can do with via ui-table either msg.ui_control (for styling) and msg.payload= {}. node-red-node-ui-table (node) - Node-RED

I don't know etable but the developper "DEPRECATED" the node almost 2 years ago. I think is acts similar but could not do much more for you.

For styling and how to use commands you might like to take a look here in the forum ... There is a ton of information starting from: Ui-table supports ui_control

And to do things simpler you might give my ui-table-handler a test. I recently made a demo and update for it

And last but not least this one. [Announce] remote device table (and collaboration wanted)

As I wrote before everything tabulator offers is possible when it comes to styling ... in this case you have to write your own formatter which is a simple callback function to style your cells

ui_control is the config object you pass to ui-table. The examples show how to use tabulator on the client side. As you control the client (dashboard) from a server (node-red) you have to pass everything through ui-table via msg.ui-control. The only challenge is to "translate" it into your js object or JSON or pass commands via msg.payload [Object]

msg.payload = {
            "Label": "ROI",
            "Investment 1": 999
    returnPromise : false

Updates the ROI in investment 1 to 999 (and this is the command)