Global Context to file

Hi Everyone,
I am working on a telemetry project that is using a RPI4 and Node-Red to provide 16 digital inputs, 16 digital outputs and 8 analogue inputs. One of the requirements is to have all of the buttons, status, units configurable without the need to touch the Node-red flow. I have done this by creating a config page and storing all of the variables in their own global context which is working well.
As part of the configuration, I need the ability to back up to a file which can be then loaded into another device.
I have achieved this by using a function node to create a json object and then sending it to a write file node. This works well, however now that i need to add more variable to the storage (~200 in total) it is getting too cumbersome to manage.
I am looking at breaking this up into smaller groups to make it more manageable and easier for debugging.
Would I be better to have separate config file for each group, or should i have seperate function nodes and then use a join node to bring them back together?

[{"id":"35247c1f0aebfcb2","type":"file","z":"22b91f0ad85e6dd8","name":"","filename":"filename","filenameType":"msg","appendNewline":true,"createDir":true,"overwriteFile":"true","encoding":"none","x":1060,"y":320,"wires":[["1422296e93808143"]]},{"id":"1422296e93808143","type":"debug","z":"22b91f0ad85e6dd8","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":1220,"y":320,"wires":[]},{"id":"65d338e0b11cfb95","type":"ui_button","z":"22b91f0ad85e6dd8","name":"","group":"f22a8217.1732d","order":7,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":false,"label":"Write 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msg;\nnode.log(\"Config Write completed\")\nnode.status(\"Config Write completed\")","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":660,"y":320,"wires":[["131e353f49239207"]]},{"id":"f22a8217.1732d","type":"ui_group","name":"System","tab":"2a33dae2.ce2106","order":1,"disp":true,"width":"4","collapse":false},{"id":"2a33dae2.ce2106","type":"ui_tab","name":"Config","icon":"dashboard","order":5,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}]

I have simplified the writing of the global context to file using the below function.
This approach means that I don't have to modify the function every time I add or remove context variables.
I really don't know how to now take the Json array stored in the file and push back to the global context in a similar streamlined fashion.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

let list = []

global.keys().forEach( key => {
    list.push ({ [key]: global.get(key)});

msg.payload = list
return msg

Why not use file backed context storage?

Yes, I did consider that as an option, however there is a requirement to have multiple configurations stored and be able to select and load as required.

Perhaps consider the global context variable to contain the full object instead ?

I am not sure how to do that. can you share an example?

I have tested the following and can set the global based on the object key, as i have very little JavaScript knowledge i not sure the best way to loop through this;

var payload = msg.payload
var key =Object.keys(payload[0])
var value = Object.values(payload[0])
return msg;

This is also about how you write the all values to global context in the first place.

Let's say you create some other flow where you also want to write something to global context, those will become part of the file you want to write as well.

Storing them into an object as I suggested above will avoid that. Can you share the part (or example) of the flow where they are being written ?

For this project, it would be beneficial that all global context, regardless of the flow are saved to the file path specified in the config GUI.
Text input boxes are used on the config GUI to set all of the parameters such as input labels as per the attached sample code. The attached is a small cutdown sample of the overall project. The global context "din1...8lbl" is used elsewhere, not shown in this code, to set the labels to alarms and logging of these inputs.

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        "name": "Config from file",
        "info": "This is a test to demonstrate how to set config variables from a file. This should be run at startup.\n * data read from config file\n * data coverted from json string to json object\n * data sets global variable",
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