Global.get() behavior: intended behavior or bug?

Noticed something peculiar while coding a project this week...some unexpected behavior that took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out.

var a = global.get('this_doesnt_exist'); // returns null as it is doesn't exist, no error thrown

var a = global.get('this_doesnt_exist.something'); // object member access: still returns null as it is doesn't exist, no error thrown

var a = global.get(['this_doesnt_exist']); // returns [null] as it is doesn't exist, no error thrown

var a = global.get(['this_doesnt_exist.something']); // "ReferenceError: value is not defined"

I would expect the last line to return Array size of 1, containing null, similar to line #2. Is this intended or a bug? Thanks in advance.

Bug - it should be consistent in behaviour. Please raise an issue on GitHub if you're able to.

Thanks @knolleary, done.