Google gauge color in template node

I pasted following google HTML in template.

google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['gauge']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);
  function drawChart() {

    var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
      ['Label', 'Value'],
      ['Memory', 80],
      ['CPU', 55],
      ['Network', 68]

    var options = {
      width: 400, height: 120,
      redFrom: 90, redTo: 100,
      yellowFrom:75, yellowTo: 90,
      minorTicks: 5

    var chart = new google.visualization.Gauge(document.getElementById('chart_div'));

    chart.draw(data, options);

    setInterval(function() {
      data.setValue(0, 1, 40 + Math.round(60 * Math.random()));
      chart.draw(data, options);
    }, 13000);
    setInterval(function() {
      data.setValue(1, 1, 40 + Math.round(60 * Math.random()));
      chart.draw(data, options);
    }, 5000);
    setInterval(function() {
      data.setValue(2, 1, 60 + Math.round(20 * Math.random()));
      chart.draw(data, options);
    }, 26000);

I can see the gauge /ui but it is not respecting the.colors of the gauge set in the google code .
I can see that it takes Node-red theme color.

How can I make Node-red respect the color I set in HTML.

In the site tab

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Excellent .It worked .Thank you so much for the quick reply.

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