GPIO is showing OK not the pin state

I am currently trying on another installation, I think I have figured out where the problem is coming from.

I solved the problem for my case. I have Dietpi Bullseye64 in the archive. after a new installation things are like this

After downloading the latest version of Dietpi Bookworm directly from the site and installing and things look like this.

I will reach out to the Dietpi developers. Greetings.

I did swap these over. please see the post right after your initial recommendation. The problem followed, telling me that there was something in the wiring or controls at the base station.

However, what I found with my oscilloscope indicates the wiring and controls are just fine.

I never found a solution to my problem, and I ran out of time. Since it is one of four inputs, I had planned to just use the other three.

However, I went back to node-red and retested. It seems to be working. Node-red is now at v4.0.9 (from v4.0.8 at first post). I find it hard to believe this is the issue. I will deploy the sensor and keep an eye on it.

@devifast - So - I have had a play with DietPi and yes the proper install does seem a bit broken... so I have added a --on-diet option to the normal install script... which will force our usual install onto a DietPi... This should only be used if you uninstall their default node and node red packages using their dietpi-software tool... as a mixture of theirs and ours will probably break.

I have tested it on an early Pi2 (Arm6) and the GPIO now does seem to work ok.

Ideally they will fix the proper DietPi package and our option won't be necessary - but hey - our option is there if you want to try it... Big Caveat Emptor of course - you do so at your own risk.