Rpi-gpio : Raspberry Pi specific node set inactive

Hi, I'm quite new about raspberry and I don't know very well the environment.
I'm running NodeRED on Raspberry Pi 4B, my problem is that the GPIO nodes are not available and I don't now how to control GPIOs.

When NR starts in console there is the message

11 Nov 11:43:12 - [warn] rpi-gpio : Raspberry Pi specific node set inactive

Thanks for attention

How did you install Node-RED?
If you used the script there is an option to install the Rpi nodes.

Here is a link explaining how to install it and the prerequisits:

Hi, thanks for fast reply,
I installed Node-RED using the script and allowing it to install RPi nodes;
indeed I can place GPIO nodes



I have to specify that I'v already use GPIOs on NodeRed first but now I had to reset defaults after a mistake and I restore flows as it were first. The problem could be caused by changing version?


Are you using the standard 32bit Raspberry Pi OS?

Do you mean you recently updated something?

Did you update the OS or Node-RED?

Thanks for the reply;
I erased the SDcard and I created the image using Raspberry Pi Imager, I selected Raspberry Pi OS
and reinstall Node-RED and also the nodes that I need to my applications.


Does it work now?

The system yes, and also Node-RED, but NR has "no access" to GPIO and the situation about pi-gpio is this:

If I send a msg.payload = 1 the node not set the GPIO at value of HIGH.


Thanks for the information

The OS was updated last week and you are probably the 1st person to try it out

What do you see if you run these commands?
apt-cache policy rpi.gpio

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ apt-cache policy rpi.gpio
  Installato: (nessuno)
  Candidato:  0.7.0-0.2+b1
  Tabella versione:
     0.7.0-0.2+b1 500
        500 http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian bullseye/main armhf Packages
  Installato: (nessuno)
  Candidato:  (nessuno)
  Tabella versione:
  Installato: 0.7.0-0.2+b1
  Candidato:  0.7.0-0.2+b1
  Tabella versione:
 *** 0.7.0-0.2+b1 500
        500 http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian bullseye/main armhf Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ groups
pi adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input netdev lpadmin gpio i2c spi
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

I am currently re-imaging a PiZero2 card to see if the issue replicates on one of them

Thanks a lot!!


This thread has another user unable to access the GPIO with raspbian bullseye (which has only just been released).

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I saw it now

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Please stay on this thread :slight_smile:

Ok, excuse me!

I have googled extensively and can't find any reference to any differences in bullseye relating to GPIO.

No problem :slight_smile:
The card I have put into my Pi is not letting me connect to it :frowning:
I'm am re-imaging it again

Sorry for delay :frowning:


Thank you for informing!