Header Styling Improvements - Proposal (with Draft PR)

I just tried this out with the 4.0.0.beta.2 version and I have two comments:

  1. The red border I find too harsh, I would suggest using 1px instead of 2px
  2. The white of the "Node-RED" is also a bit harsh with the black background, it also jumps into my eyes. Perhaps a little less white?
  3. The glare affect of the red border is also enhanced when the sidebar is greyed out (e.g. when opening the settings):

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 15.56.40

The border effect is different than the screenshot above since that screenshot is expanded and hence the red border is thicker, so hard to get a feeling from that.

Just my 2cents :slight_smile:

Edit: added 3rd point

Edit2: of course this is very depended on my screen and it's configuration, so I might well be well off the mark...