Highlighting / Selecting a junction node in the workspace

Hi There,

So following up from importing junction nodes, I've gone into the weeds and want to highlight a junction node. (Long story but I now have a list of duplicate nodes including junctions.)

Something like

RED.view.select("<junction node id>")
-- or
RED.view.reveal("<junction node id>")

This works fine for everything else that has an id except for junction nodes. So I thought, ok I'll do this with jQuery:

$('#<junction node id>').trigger('click')

To my surprise, I noticed that the markup for a junction node looks like this:

  <g class="red-ui-flow-junction" transform="translate(897.6967769861221,528.75)">
    <rect class="red-ui-flow-junction-background" x="-5" y="-5" width="10" height="10" rx="3" ry="3"></rect>
    <rect class="red-ui-flow-junction-port red-ui-flow-junction-port-input" x="-5" y="-5" width="10" height="10" rx="3" ry="3"></rect>
    <rect class="red-ui-flow-junction-port red-ui-flow-junction-port-output" x="-5" y="-5" width="10" height="10" rx="3" ry="3"></rect>

Wait, what no id!?! Normally the top-level <g> has the id but not for a junction node.

Anyway, question is: is there a reason that junction nodes have no id? Is there a deeper no-go for not attaching the id to the <g>?

I can imagine there hasn't been a use-case for highlighting junction nodes, so it's probably something that has never been needed. Would there be interest in changing that?


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