(raspberry pi 2b, node-red v0.19.5)
I have a battery operated bluetooth thermometer (testing wine temperature) that I do not use very often... (or too often, I don't know). I switch it off when I do not need it to preserve the battery. But when I do I get the "serial port /dev/rfcomm0 closed unexpectedly" error (every 10-15 seconds or so) in my debug window. I would like to get rid of this, since I know the port is closed, it clutters my debugging windows.
Once, I get this repeated message, the node seems to try to reconnect and gives invalid status toggling from node-red:common.status.not-connected to node-red:common.status.connected. (as a bonus). Therefore, I cannot use the status to release the device.
I tried to catch the error with the "Catch node" without much success. (
If I could catch the error I could just automatically release the /dev/rfcomm0 .. then I would get only one message, (File not found)...
I try to include the flow, but most of it does not apply to the problem... Only the Serial node is of the matter.
How can I catch the error : "serial port /dev/rfcomm0 closed unexpectedly" ??
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"type": "serial in",
"z": "41acd98a.5798c8",
"name": "Thermo",
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"x": 160,
"y": 120,
"wires": [
"id": "c4dde817.7769a8",
"type": "function",
"z": "41acd98a.5798c8",
"name": "Temperature",
"func": "message1 = {};\nmessage2 = {};\nmessage3 = msg.payload.port\n\n\nmsg.string = msg.payload.split(\" \");\n\nmessage1.payload=msg.string[0];\n\nmessage2.payload=msg.string[2];\n\n\n\n return [message1,message2,message3];// celsius, fahreigh, port\n",
"outputs": 3,
"noerr": 0,
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"y": 220,
"wires": [
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"wires": []
"id": "88f3bc64.99aa4",
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"wires": []
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"type": "function",
"z": "41acd98a.5798c8",
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"func": "msg1={};\nmsg2={};\nmsg2.payload = msg.status.text;\nif (msg.status.text== \"node-red:common.status.not-connected\"){\nmsg1.payload = \"Débranché\";\n\n}\nif (msg.status.text== \"node-red:common.status.connected\"){\nmsg1.payload = \"Branché\"; \n}\n\n return [msg1,msg2];\n",
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"x": 370,
"y": 580,
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"info": "was \nsudo rfcomm connect hci0 20:16:11:02:41:36 1",
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"y": 380,
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"info": "la clef des commandes est \nsudo rfcomm bind 0 20:16:10:28:41:49 1 \nsudo rfcomm bind 2 20:16:11:02:41:36 1\nstty -F /dev/rfcomm0 9600\nstty -F /dev/rfcomm2 9600\n2 divan\n0 thermo\nto release\nsudo rfcomm release rfcomm0\nsudo rfcomm release rfcomm2\n\nsudo rfcomm ' gets the status'\n",
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"timer": "",
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"name": "Set Speed",
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"timer": "",
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"nbRateUnits": "1",
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"append": "",
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"timer": "",
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"z": "",
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"newline": "\\n",
"bin": "false",
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"addchar": false,
"responsetimeout": ""
"id": "593a5a67.b54d74",
"type": "ui_group",
"z": "",
"name": "Thermomètre numérique",
"tab": "2c903b25.29ec24",
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"type": "ui_tab",
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