How can I display pictures in order

I have a function which displays pictures from a camera. It displays the last 5 pictures taken by the camera. I would like to have the newest pictures always in position 1, the next in 2 and so on.
I guess I have to use a array, but not sure if thats the right approach and how to as I dont know how to use arrays. Maybe there is a better way anyway ?

This is the function I currently use

var counthall = flow.get('counthall') ?? 1;
var picture;

if (counthall == 1) {
    picture = msg.payload.image.base64
    flow.set("counthall", counthall + 1)
    var msg1 = { payload: { image: { base64: picture } } }
    node.send([msg1, null, null, null, null]);

if (counthall == 2) {
    picture = msg.payload.image.base64
    flow.set("counthall", counthall + 1)
    var msg2 = { payload: { image: { base64: picture } } }
    node.send([null, msg2, null, null, null]);

if (counthall == 3) {
    picture = msg.payload.image.base64
    flow.set("counthall", counthall + 1)
    var msg3 = { payload: { image: { base64: picture } } }
    node.send([null, null, msg3, null, null]);
if (counthall == 4) {
    picture = msg.payload.image.base64
    flow.set("counthall", counthall + 1)
    var msg4 = { payload: { image: { base64: picture } } }
    node.send([null, null, null, msg4, null]);
if (counthall == 5) {
    picture = msg.payload.image.base64
    flow.set("counthall", 0)
    var msg5 = { payload: { image: { base64: picture } } }
    node.send([null, null, null, null, msg5]);

If you use a function node I would do something like that:

on the nodes tab "start"

context.set('images', [])

on the nodes tab "function":

const arrImages = context.get('images');
let msgImages = new Array(5).fill(null);

arrImages.forEach((element, index) => { 
    msgImages[index] = { payload: { image: { base64: element } } }

return msgImages;

function addImage(base64){
    let arrImages = context.get('images');
    const length = arrImages.unshift(base64)
    if (length > 5){
    context.set('images', arrImages);

OK that (mostly) makes sense. Not sure what the


does but I can try to find that somewhere in the docs.

This function would wait until all 5 pictures have been collected before sending ? Or could I send it with pictures not collected yet as null. Sometimes there can be hours between pictures being triggerd (this is from my security cams)


inserts the new image at the arrays first index and shifts already indexed images one index up.

The array has a fixed length of 5 items (null on indices if not completely filled up) and deletes images shifted to index 5.

The function is sending the whole array on each new message

Ok I think I get it. What I am not sure about, with my fuction I have the function node set to have 5 outputs, each going to a template then a dashboard template node to display the 5 pics. If I understand your function, that will send 5 pics one after another ?

This is my flow at the moment

This is an example as function-node:

        "id": "4276b81d8034169a",
        "type": "function",
        "z": "f4dceb81588e2a15",
        "name": "function 1",
        "func": "addImage(msg.payload.image.base64)\nconst arrImages = context.get('images');\nlet msgImages = new Array(5).fill(null);\n\narrImages.forEach((element, index) => { \n    msgImages[index] = { payload: { image: { base64: element } } }\n});\n\nreturn msgImages;\n\nfunction addImage(base64){\n    let arrImages = context.get('images');\n    const length = arrImages.unshift(base64)\n    if (length > 5){\n        arrImages.pop();\n    }\n    context.set('images', arrImages);\n}",
        "outputs": 5,
        "noerr": 0,
        "initialize": "// Der Code hier wird ausgefĂĽhrt,\n// wenn der Node gestartet wird\ncontext.set('images', [])",
        "finalize": "",
        "libs": [],
        "x": 620,
        "y": 420,
        "wires": [

I tested by some base64 pictures and a the node-red-contrib-image-tools. Seems to work

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First time I tried with just a few debugs on there, it only came out of output 1. Now I tried again, and now it seems to work ok ! By tomorrow I will know for sure if its working as intended, but I think it will.
Many thanks !
Und viele Gruesse nach D ! :smiley:

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