How do i set values to a Zigbee subdevice?

I own a Zigbee/Bluetooth gateway and some temp sensors.
I can read the Data and visualize them.

Now I got some Zigbee heaters and also can read and visualize the Data.

But how can I set the Data?
I'm using the "node-red-contrib-tuya-devices" Nodes

msg.payload ={
    "code": "action",
        "input_params": {
        "cid" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "dps" : "7",
        "set" : "true"
return msg;

This does not work. It should set the kids lock

msg.payload ={
   dps: 4,
   cid: "xxxxxxx",
    set : msg.payload
return msg;

This does not work but should set the setpoint.

Do you have some ideas?

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