How to compare 2 data sets with either an integral or derivative

Not perfectly, but a lot better than assuming zero or 1.3kW.

My guess it will be better, but not perfect.

I'll give it a try and update when I get a chance to figure out a method that works. I'm thinking keeping track of the gap if it maxes out and then only write when impulses increments. Presumably I should have a real value for gap if impulses increments so won't have to look at 2 values. Probably best to look at the data and let it guide me. Since I'm now recording gap directly, I can try some things on the old data in excel to see what matches and then implement something in NR.

It's too bad the kWh (impulses) isn't supplied at a higher rate. Looking at the data from the kW (gap) and kWh.derivative the curves look pretty good. But, the lower fidelity kills it's ability to be used directly. I suspect using a micro controller to send a message each time the wheel spins would give an excellent combination of high fidelity instantaneous usage as well as overall consumption. If I go beyond and build my own, I'm going to focus on that!

The interesting thing I'm seeing with the impulses data is that the reader only outputs in increments of 4 (0, 4, 8, 16, etc). The data is the total pulses seen, but the delta appears to always be incremented by a factor of 4. That seems pretty odd. It's not an issue for this question, but something that I'll have to test by firing up a high load and manually counting wheel rotations to confirm.

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