I have some photovoltaic panels and would like to know how much energy I am producing and actually using.
The panels are connected to a shelly from which I get the current generated power (among other data) in regular intervals. Moreover my electric meter is read out by a tasmota device. All this data is already available in Node-Red and is displayed with grafana. It is important to note that the electric meter is NOT counting backwards! Thus if I am produce more power than I am using, it goes to the public net for free. I would like to calculate the integral over these two curves over short time slices (maybe every minute) as the generated and the consumed power is changing all the time. Then I would substract these datasets from each other to see how much of the generated power actually benefited me.
I also get the accumulate total energy production/concumption from both devices, which could be used.
Any idea how to implement that?