How to disable specific nrlint rule?

When using nrlint, it doesn't take into account module import (as reported here: Similar to · Issue #44 · node-red/nrlint

It is a simple click in the editor to ignore, adding this to description of node or flow:
// nrlint function-eslint:off

However, that disables all rules. How can we disable specific rules? Like the import rule. Further more, it would be a great option to be able to ignore linting for specific lines with comments. Is that possible?

Maybe with:

// nrlint eslint-disable-line

Add the rule to disable/ignore after // nrlint

The suggestion from @GogoVega is close - don't add the nrlint bit at the start, otherwise eslint (the JavaScript linter we use) won't 'see' it.

To disable linting on an individual line:

// eslint-disable-line

To disable linting of all the code in the node:

// eslint-disable
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Not sure but the rule should be no-undef.

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Glorious, thanks!

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