I got a code snippet
script src="https://xxxx.yyyy.com/zzz"></script
which produces a weather widget with a nice diagram.
I would like to display this diagram in my dashboard.
I have tried to use a function node but without success.
Do you have a recommendation for an approach?
Kind regards
Thank you!
This seems to be an appropriate solution but the widget/diagram is not visible in the dashboard.
Any ideas?
to show an external page you have to use iFrame
<iframe :src="msg.payload" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe>
It will be something in that direction.
However, there must be more to it than only including a script.
You will need some html element to display whatever the script is outputting.
Care to share the link to the script /snippet ?
Here is the code snippet (brackets replaced by hash, https replaced by xxxxx):
<script src="https://wxblox.aerisapi.com/free/js/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6ImZ1bGwtd2lkZSIsImxvYyI6InB3c191d2ptMSIsIm1ldHJpYyI6dHJ1ZSwidGhlbWUiOiJsaWdodCIsImNvbG9ycyI6eyJiYXNlIjp7fSwiYWx0Ijp7fSwiYWNjZW50Ijp7fX0sImlhdCI6MTczMzE2ODYxMX0.TJLAWDaWIALL2bxdJkgD8x9M0C-V-CUqwn9rX19PaKY"></script>
Thanks and kind regards
[Moderator edit to add backticks to show how to post code correctly. Click pencil icon to see edit.]
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