How to enter a line after an exec node is started

Unfortunately, this is not possible
I alreday pass some parameteres to gaction command line, but then, gactions return me an url
Then, i must use this url to connect (I must type a login/password) and then the web site gives me a token
Then, i must give this token to gactions.

So I also tried to use the daemon, but, that alos doens't work.
Can you tell me exactly how to use this deamon node. The documentation is not so clear.

attached you will find my flow.
So, in the daemon node, there is the original command and the parameters for this command.
Then, if the inject node (with a string), there is the token.
Please notice that i must inject the token only after gactions has given me the url to connect to.
This url and the token change each time they are used (I think)

[{"id":"3db3a684.57f32a","type":"daemon","z":"2919047c.10fe3c","name":"","command":"/opt/plcnext/CCN/gactions","args":"test -preview_mins 9999999 -action_package /opt/plcnext/CCN/action1.json -project my-test-app-xxxxxx","autorun":false,"cr":false,"redo":false,"op":"string","closer":"SIGTERM","x":630,"y":1460,"wires":[["bd31ca53.ecf318","d744cbbb.434a58"],["d744cbbb.434a58"],["d744cbbb.434a58"]]},{"id":"5367c66f.aa0e28","type":"inject","z":"2919047c.10fe3c","name":"Inject token","topic":"","payload":"4/bwH3SsTwHRjnZZ4m6Qzw7_fwrxpVuq-LeE_o6mMdWMO-OXXXXXXXXXX","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":350,"y":1480,"wires":[["3db3a684.57f32a"]]},{"id":"b622292.032e5d8","type":"inject","z":"2919047c.10fe3c","name":"Start command","topic":"","payload":"true","payloadType":"bool","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":340,"y":1420,"wires":[["3db3a684.57f32a"]]}]
I hope that is clear enough