I'm using a "Button node" to execute a Linux system command then I pass the payload to a "Exec node" then to a "Notification node". The problem is that the output is on one line like this:
Did you read the link , the first thing it shows is the pre tag around the text. so try putting it either side of the text, in the notification node.
<pre>the text you wish to keep formating of</pre>
The notification node allow html and css as far as i am aware.
in a template node just before the notification node, <pre>{{payload}}</pre> were payload would be the property that holds the text.
Ok, but the text come from a command over Linux. My problem is to format that text...
And the example you posted, show how to do it in pure HTML/CSS not in Nodered.
Can you tell me what can I do or not please? It seems it's a secret or a mystery...
I've trying to put "Template node" with "<pre>{{payload}}</pre>" code inside, between "stdout exit of Exec node" and "input of Notification node", but the result is that there is <pre> on the beginning of output and </pre> to the end.
There is another little problem. I've noticed that the text between <pre> and </pre> is outputted in a "template node" as "normal text" and has no more CSS applied. Is possible to set CSS for a specific block?
Thank you