I have my dashboard tablet mounted on a wall, and found that it's pretty easy to "mis-click" by accidentally dragging my finger when I'm trying to hit a button; in this case the button press is silently dropped. I'd like to add an audio feedback sound effect to each button, just something simple like the Android key click sound effect, to confirm to the user that Node-RED received the button press event: data/sounds/effects/KeypressStandard.wav - platform/frameworks/base - Git at Google
I see that there is an "audio out" node in the dashboard module, but that only seems to do text-to-speech. Likewise, I found GitHub - lorentzlasson/node-red-contrib-play-audio but the only example in that package is also for TTS, nothing that shows how to just play a .wav file served up from the Node-RED static assets directory.
Any ideas?