How to store data in JSON file in Node-RED

Okay - so to extend this subject, I'm thinking about designing some form of schema that can support different types of light to be included in a "scene".

As I see it, the different types of light you might want to control would be:

  • Single colour (e.g. 0-255) - could also apply to e.g. rollerblinds
  • RGB
  • RGBW
  • RGBWW (I think these are RGB LED strips with TWO additional whites, cool white and warm white)

How about an internal lookup JSON file, which specifies a mapping between colour names and values (e.g. red=255,0,0; salmon=250,128,114... etc)

So the scene definitions might be stored like this. Is this a vaguely sensible idea? Is there a better way?

Should I work towards creating my own node type to handle this stuff? Could it be useful for other people? (I've never created a node before, would be interested in giving it a go...)

    "scenename":"All Off",
    "scenename":"Getting Dressed",