I can also successfully inject a payload at the RGB node to change the light colour.
The node 'HSV Reformat' transfers the payload as a format -
The node 'HSV> RGB' expects the payload without quotes -
If I understand correctly (which is likely to be wrong...), the HSV>RGB node is expecting a JSON array?
The node 'HSV> RGB' outputs the correct RGB value, but in the format -
The node 'RGB' expects the incoming payload as -
rgb (97,145,242)
I'm subscribing to the technique of "1000 monkeys and a typewriter". But I've tried so many variations of curly brackets, straight brackets etc. that I have to admit I don't have a clue.
I've attempted to upload the exported clipboard here but unfortunately new users are not permitted attachments.
@bakman2 - When a light selection is made using the colour picker, the switch node outputs in format -
@ukmoose - As far as I can ascertain, the light selection 'device' only sends messages when the relevant feature is touched. At any given time, there can only be -
an RGB selection or
CW/WW light selection or
Brightness or
I've got the same light in the corner of my home office/lab (reflected from the wall/ceiling) to give "enough" light for soldering and such. Love it! I think the build quality seems good. I'm expecting it to last long enough but time will tell. Only had it for half a year now.