HTTP Post with Parameter and Body


i have a problem to do a HTTP Post in Node Red.

I tested the HTTP Post with the porgramm Postman:


Parameter school=EBG

so Postman shows :

Postman-Body: (json) (API-documentation)


I got in Postman a good Response.

How could i do this Post in NODERED?

A funktion Node should generate the Body-Json.



Try using below code inside a function node. Of course you want to replace the data otherwise the API will not authenticate.

The HTTP request node should have the Method field configured as "-set by msg.method-"

msg.headers = {}
msg.method = "POST"
msg.url = "" ;
msg.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"

msg.payload = {

return msg

Thank you very much.

But where do I the Information: school=EBG?

and now there is an other problem: The node must have sl/TSL-information because it is https and not http.

The TLS-Konfiguiration needs a Certificate, i think normaly in the browser.



So here the solution:

Install https-node
Then URL =

Thank you Andrei!



There is no need to install a separate node... The core Request node handles HTTPS.

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Ok, i will try it!

Thank you!

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