As now V3.0 is out, I've thought, that I look into this again - the main idea was to add static html/js/png-files to the project and serve these through the node-red-dashboard (see my original post here: httpStatic and projects - General - Node-RED Forum (
With the information from (Project directory path - General - Node-RED Forum (, I've modified the node-red-contrib-static (node) to automatically prefix the node with the project folder - this allows me to make a project stored in git fully self contained, including all needed resources (and without creating additionally npm packages).
Here is the modified code for static.js, everything else here: node-red-contrib-static (node)
// Serve static files through node-red with a project specific root
// folder (if projects are active)
// To use, add the following nodes:
// httpIn --> static node (this one) --> httpResponse
// Setup the nodes as follows (typically to serve static files, e.g. for a
// template node or other project specific resources like png, js, ...):
// - httpIn: Method = GET, URL = /static/*
// - static: Folder = /home
// - httpResponse: (no settings needed)
// This setup will serve files stored in <project>/home to be accessed through
// the http://<node-red-url>/static endpoint.
// See the following for the original static node and informaiton
// about how to get the git project folder:
// -
// -
const path = require('path')
const serveStatic = require('serve-static')
let StaticInitFunc = function (RED) {
function StaticNode(n) {
RED.nodes.createNode(this, n)
const node = this
const folder = n.folder
let baseFolder = ''
const settings = RED.settings
const userDir = settings.userDir
const project = settings.get('projects')
// Check, if the project mode (GIT) is active
if (project && project.activeProject) {
// yes, build the "new" httpStatic path - userdir + project + folder
baseFolder = path.join(userDir, 'projects', project.activeProject, folder)
// directly setting the httpStatic folder does not work:
// settings.set(httpStatic, newStatic)
else {
// no, use userdir + folder
baseFolder = path.join(userDir, folder)
console.debug('node-red-contrib-static: Serving: ', baseFolder)
const serve = serveStatic(baseFolder, { index: ["index.html", "index.htm"] })
node.on("input", function (msg) {'My custom node received a new message!')
const req = msg.req
const res = msg.res._res
req.pathname = req.path = req.url = `/${Object.values(req.params)[0]}`
serve(req, res, function (t) {
RED.nodes.registerType("static", StaticNode)
module.exports = StaticInitFunc
I hope this helps anybody looking for a similar solution!