Image from RPi to dashboard

I renamed the folder to plant1 (removed the blank) but still no luck

I don't believe you want the :1880 in that address

Also you say you renamed it to plant1 but in the url it is Plant1

already tried it

My typing mistake in the comments. It's Plant1

why are you putting /home/pi/.node-red/ in the URL?

ā†‘ read that again. The key part being relative path


So I copied my folder from Desktop to .node-red folder i know it sounds no logic but just to test. now my folder exists on both locations with same files


@HZB you say you copied your folder into the .node-red folder.

Looking at your previous posts, you have httpStatic set to /home/pi/.node-red/A - so do you mean you have copied it into the A sub directory?

Can you confirm:

  1. exactly what value have you got httpStatic set to?
  2. what is the full path on the filesystem to the image you are trying to access?



Based on that, I would expect the URL to be


Thanks a lot everyone. That's why i love this forum.

Just a small question any recommendations to fit a image in a space?

Can i access a json file in a "file in" Node in a same way? i mean using URL mentioned above if json file is located in that folder.

I'm sure in the time it took you to find this thread and post your question you could have tried it and discovered that yes you can. :wink:

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