INSERT hexadecimal in SQLITE

I would like to add a hexidecimal key of an RFID tag like 3D433FF4A in SQlite

This is my code to create a table in Sqlite:

CREATE TABLE userlist_9(currentdate DATE, rfid TEXT, number INTEGER)

This is my code to add something to Sqlite:

var timestamp =;
    var rfid = global.get("rfid_key")
    var counter_locker = global.get("counter_locker")
    var newMsg = {
     "topic": "INSERT INTO userlist_9 VALUES ( " + timestamp + "," + rfid + ", " + counter_locker + ")"

    return newMsg;

With normal numbers it works fine, but with hexidecimal numbers I get the following error:

"Error: SQLITE_ERROR: unrecognized token: "2b334f""

Put a debug node showing complete message on the output of the function node and show us what it says.
[Edit] also what data types are the fields in the table?

17-12-2018 16:21:56node: 7466966b.94f148INSERT INTO userlist_9 VALUES ( 1545060116109,2b334f, 1) : msg : Object


topic: "INSERT INTO userlist_9 VALUES ( 1545060116109,2b334f, 1)"

_msgid: "12917f9e.727e4"!


With normal numeric value: No error


If you want to insert text into the table you need to wrap it in quotes.

INSERT INTO userlist_9 VALUES ( 1545060116109,"2b334f", 1)

It works when you try inserting a number because it can be parsed without the quotes around it.

I think you can (should?) use single quotes in sqlite, which makes it a bit simpler coding the string.

Thank you, it works
The user (RFID KEY) is added to the system if he does not appear in the database.

var timestamp =;
var rfid = global.get("rfid_key")
var rfid2 = ('"' + rfid + '"');

var counter_locker = global.get("counter_locker")

var newMsg = {
"topic": "INSERT INTO userlist_9 VALUES ( " + timestamp + "," + rfid2 + ", " + counter_locker + ")"

return newMsg;

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