Installation of node-red-mcu-plugin keeps failing

Here is the sidebar from @ralphwetzel finally:


I have executed the following steps, in case anbody else (like e.g. myself...) runs into the same problem in the future:

  1. Created a backup copy of my .node-red folder
  2. Removed my .node-red/node_modules folder
  3. Cleared my npm cache via npm cache clean --force
  4. Removed my package-lock.json file
  5. Did an npm install but that failed all the time with error "Error: The git reference could not be found".
  6. I removed manually all lines from my package.json file (in my .node-red folder) that:
    • Referred to github repo's that are not valid anymore: for some github repos the file pointed to a git branch of that repo that didn't exist anymore.
    • Removed all the repo's from Kevin Godell's nodes, because he has published them recently on npm. And he has used now an "@kevingodell" prefix, which resulted in errors.
    • Removed the old mcu plugin link to Ralph's mcu plugin node.
  7. I manually did an npm install again for all the node's from Kevin and Ralph that meanwhile had become available on npm.

And then it seems to work...

Thanks guys for all the assitance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!