Is it possible to enable httpNodeAuth only for Dashboard? not HTTP Node

Is it possible to enable httpNodeAuth only for Dashboard? not HTTP Node

I have enable httpNodeAuth: {user:"user",pass:"$2a$08$zZWtXTja0fB1pzD4sHCMyOCMYz26dNbM6tl8sJgENOMcxWV9DN."}

The dashboard is the only place where I need to use httpNodeAuth because in HTTP Node I need to use for API does not work in some cases

Should NEVER be used if there is any chance at all that it might go over the Internet. If you do, you may as well not have a user id and password.

The recommendation for more complex authentication and authorisation than node-red itself supports is to use a reverse proxy to do it instead. Something like NGINX or Caddy for example.

uibuilder also has the ability to use a different ExpressJS instance than the one used by the http and dashboard nodes and might be an alternative in some cases.

Short answer is no, they both use the same authentication method, so if it’s enabled for dashboard it is also enabled for general http

thank you

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