Javascript Library in Template Node for Robot Visualization

Hi together,

currently I am working on a project where I get data from a robot and visualize it in the Dashbaord. For visualization I use an external JS library. I searched through the forum and was able to import the Javascript Library into Node-RED. Import JavaScript library into node-red

So I can access the script in the Browser (http://localhost:1880/rv-master/src/RobotViewer.js)

However, I guess I am making a mistake by using the script tag.

I try to add it to the Head section so that it is being loaded and in another template node I try to access it. However, I get a reference error which says RobotViewer not defined.

What is wrong here?
RobotVisualization.json (1.9 KB)

Thats how it should like like in the end:

Thanks for helping.

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