Sorry I have a newborn here who is taking up most my spare time so only having a quick look at this again. Actually the whole point of this little project was to try and make my own baby monitor.
Honestly I can't remember why I changed the code, it was probably just to know that that particular piece of code is for pressure measurement.
For the change node, I'm removing the \n by using the reg expression option as you had said the join would not work with this there. And for JSON I have the "Format JSON string" box ticked. I have the below screenshot for these settings here: (I'm limited to the amount of images I can upload so merging some of them into one screenshot)
If I run the script you provided with the hard coded values, this is the output I get from :
Change Debug
{"topic":"","_msgid":"9781807e87f5fa51","payload":"{"extTemp": "false", "Brightness": 15, "intTemp": 55, "intHumid": 67, "intSensor": "true", "baroSensor": "true", "baroTemp": 33, "baroPress": 99, "humanDet": "true"}","rc":{"code":0}}
Join Debug
{"topic":"","_msgid":"c263f98d86c34252","payload":{"topic":"","payload":"{"extTemp": "false", "Brightness": 15, "intTemp": 55, "intHumid": 67, "intSensor": "true", "baroSensor": "true", "baroTemp": 33, "baroPress": 99, "humanDet": "true"}","rc":{"code":0}},"rc":{"code":0}}
JSON Debug
"topic": "",
"payload": "{"extTemp": "false", "Brightness": 15, "intTemp": 55, "intHumid": 67, "intSensor": "true", "baroSensor": "true", "baroTemp": 33, "baroPress": 99, "humanDet": "true"}",
"rc": {
"code": 0
And here's the exported json file (I removed the Telegram group ID's). You can ignore the Camera and Configuration flows as they're just something else I'm looking into.
Red-Node-BabyCam-Bkup-02Sep2022.json (30.2 KB)